Feb 5th – Change begins with Hope!

It’s been a week since I’ve written anything.  I sat down a few times and tried to force myself to write.  There have been several occasions I had, what I thought were some great thoughts come into my head.  While I was in the shower getting ready. During my drive to or from the office.  Even in the evening as I went through the nightly routine of helping to get the kids in bed.

When I finally sat down and tried picking one of those thoughts, I had saved in my notes app and attempted to journal; I struggled to make it past the first couple of sentences.

My writing was not the only area that lagged.  My entire week seemed to Continue reading “Feb 5th – Change begins with Hope!”

Hope & Fear have one thing in common!

Hope on the Horizon
May the Fog be lifted through Hope!

Have you ever thought about what Hope and Fear have in common?  They both have to do with what lies ahead.  They only exist when we are looking to the future.  When I am afraid, I may be feeling the fear right here and now.  But, what I am afraid of has nothing to do with what is, it has to do with what MIGHT BE.  And here is the real paradox.  No matter how things come to pass, once they do, I am no longer afraid.

Hope, like Fear, is all about what could happen.  Hope is a necessary means of walking through Fear.  It inspires me to allow change.  Gives me Continue reading “Hope & Fear have one thing in common!”

The Journey is my Destination!

Straight two lane highway
The narrower the path, the clearer the destination

“The Journey is my Destination”.  I first heard this statement from an old mentor of mine.  It stuck with me then and made a small impact on how I began to see my days.  But, as I have journeyed through the past 20 months.  The meaning behind this statement has deepened within me.

When I began working on this mediation series, I had no idea how much the preliminary research would impact me.  I have already began to see the changes in myself, since I began this journey.  And though I have been through the 12 Steps of a recovery program, a few times.  Each time I dive into them, a new part of me seems to be awaken.  Of course, that is part of the purpose. Continue reading “The Journey is my Destination!”


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