Challenge Day 6: If we only touch one

I had the pleasure of listening to a friend speak yesterday. We had a good conversation afterwords. As we were talking and relating on the feeling one can get, when sharing our own experiences. The statement was made, “It’s not about trying to reach everyone in the audience, it’s about putting ourselves out there to reach the ones that receives it. If we only touch one person, it’s a successful share.”

That is how I am approaching this endeavor. I’m not looking at trying to impact the world directly. I’m not even going to be concerned so much about the numbers I reach. If what I do can help anyone find the change Continue reading “Challenge Day 6: If we only touch one”

Challenge Day 4: What am I most proud of?

This challenge is actually quite difficult for me. I have had to put some thought into this. I usually do not do much looking back and though I do appreciate praise when I get it, I’m mostly uncomfortable receiving it. I mainly experience pride through my kids and their accomplishments.

But as I think more  about what I have personally accomplished, the more I realize, I am most proud of what I have accomplished through my recovery from addiction. I am simply proud of the life I have gained since I began my recovery journey. How I have not only re-established myself in Continue reading “Challenge Day 4: What am I most proud of?”

Challenge Day 3: What do you love helping people with?

Today’s challenge topic is, “What do you love helping people with,” or “What would you be happy and excited to help others with even if you didn’t get paid?”  These questions are the exact questions which lead me to start working on a personal project.  And is what I believe has led me to this challenge.

Continue reading “Challenge Day 3: What do you love helping people with?”


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